S. Africa to focus G-20 on 'solidarity, equality, sustainable development'
The South African president invoked Nelson Mandela's emphasis on global 'interdependence' and cooperation.
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The South African president invoked Nelson Mandela's emphasis on global 'interdependence' and cooperation.
The U.N. weather agency says the Paris Agreement's long-term temperature goal is "not yet dead but in grave danger."
A new World Meteorological Organization system for data sharing aims to spread technology among developing nations.
IMF blames lackluster global economy on slowing growth, potential trade wars and regional conflicts.
A new report shows governments and consumers face tough choices over cheap supplies and surging electricity demand.
Some 1.9% of electricity globally was consumed by 148 digital companies, including 10 big users in Asia and the U.S.
Landlocked between Russia and China, Mongolia depends on Russia to meet its energy needs and China to buy its exports.
As the U.N. honored the Geneva Conventions, the Red Cross chief said non-compliance is a 'serious problem.'
A proposed 2% minimum tax on billionaires will be taken up at Brazil's G-20 Leaders' Summit in November.
As summit host, Biden's administration projected unity for Ukraine and deflected concern about Trump.
The Biden administration hosts a celebration for an expanding NATO's 75th anniversary amid political turmoil.
Multinational ITER fusion energy project took delivery of massive toroidal field coils from Japan and Europe.
The U.N. Security Council resolution condemned Houthi attacks in shipping lanes for a second time this year.
The U.N. General Assembly elected Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama and Somalia to the Security Council.
Developing nations' 30% share of global public debt in 2023, particularly in Asia and Oceania, rose from 16% in 2010.
Russia is shipping refined petroleum to North Korea, which is supplying Russia with weapons against Ukraine, officials say.